UK League Table: A-Level Results 2024 (Updated)

Britannia’s A Level League Table for 2024 shows the official A Level results of all UK boarding schools. The schools are ranked according to the percentage of A*-A grades achieved at the 2024 A Levels as reported by The Telegraph and official school results. Our article also includes the 2023  A Level League Table, data on the hardest A Level subjects, information about the A Level Grading system and more.


How Does The A Levels Grading System Work?

The A-Levels are graded with the alphabet grades of A*-E, with A* being the highest score. The lowest score is E, although those who sat for a paper and do not meet the standards for an E grade will receive an Ungraded classification. The percentages that these grades represent are as follows:

  • A* – 90+%
  • A – 80+%
  • B – 70+%
  • C – 60+%
  • D – 50+%
  • E – 40+%
  • Ungraded – 39% or lower
a levels league table 2024

Browse Our A Levels Rankings Guide

A Levels 2024 Results - A Levels 2024 League Table

The A Levels 2024 results has been released on 15 August 2024 on A Level Results Day. On this day, students received their results, which were graded on a scale of A* to E. At Britannia, we will continue to follow the developments closely and update this page as soon as we receive updates on the latest A Level 2024 results and A Level 2024 League Table rankings. Remember to bookmark this page and stay tuned for our announcements on social media.

For Scotland, they have a different qualification system called Highers, which had a results day of 6 August 2024.

Here are the latest official A Level 2024 results we have compiled so far. If there is a school without results, it means they have not published their official A*-A result.

A Levels 2023 Results - A Levels 2023 League Table

Here you can find the latest official A-Level results for 2023, as reported by The Telegraph. Schools are ranked based on the % of students achieving A*-A.

Information presented is sourced from the Independent Schools Council (ISC). It’s important to note that not all independent schools in the UK share their data with the ISC or are affiliated with them. The provided fee details are on an annual basis and have been extracted from school websites as of August 2023. The displayed fees correspond to year 13 day pupils. It’s worth mentioning that all institutions categorized as boarding schools in our table also offer day school options.

A Levels 2023 Results Analysis

Here are some key findings from the A Levels 2023 results and rankings.

  • In 2023, private schools continued to maintain a substantial lead over state schools in terms of the proportion of students achieving top A-level grades.
  • In private schools, a notable 47.4 percent of all A-level entries secured A or A* grades, whereas only 22 percent of entries from state schools achieved the same.
  • Retaining its position as the highest-achieving independent school for A-level results, Cardiff Sixth Form College achieved an impressive rate of 95 percent for A or A* entries in 2023.
  • Other distinguished institutions that achieved outstanding results include Oxford International College, located in Oxford, The Cathedral School in Llandaff, Cardiff, Highgate School in London, and Guildford High School in Surrey.
  • In response to concerns about grade inflation, Ofqual, the exam regulator for England, directed exam boards to revert to 2019 grading standards. However, grading levels in the rest of the UK are not anticipated to return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024.
  • Despite several independent schools surpassing pre-pandemic performance, more than a third of schools in the ISC report observed a decrease in top grades compared to 2019. A total of 66 schools reported a lower share of A and A* grades this year. St. Dominic’s Grammar School in Brewood, Staffordshire, and Glenalmond College in Perth and Kinross, Scotland, witnessed a drop of over 50 percent in top grades compared to 2019.
  • Notably, some prominent girls’ schools experienced a significant decline in the proportion of entries attaining top grades. Alderley Edge School for Girls in Cheshire, Shrewsbury High School in Shropshire, and Newcastle High School for Girls all saw more than a 30 percent drop in the share of A and A* grades compared to 2019.
  • Recent GCSE and A-level results indicated that private schools and grammar schools contributed to a marked decrease in top grades compared to the previous year. Although private schools were the sole category to witness a drop in the share of top GCSE grades below 2019 levels, A-level results showed an overall increase of 2.6 percentage points compared to 2019. Independent schools faced criticism for potential grade inflation during the teacher-assessed years of 2020 and 2021, which resulted in a significant surge in top grades. Research has suggested that private schools were better-equipped for the transition to remote learning during lockdowns.

What is 3 A Levels?

Three A Levels usually refers to a common university requirement of at least three A level grades. These are usually stated as “AAA”, which means that the minimum entry requirement for the subject is a minimum of three As.

Students have free choice in the subjects they take at the A Levels. However, some university courses such as medical programmes may have specific subject requirements.

Top 10 Hardest A Levels

Ever wondered which A Levels subject is the hardest? Here’s our list based on the percentage of Ungraded candidates and the percentage of candidates receiving A*-A grades in the latest exams.

RankingSubjectPercentage A*Percentage APercentage Ungraded
6English Language2.17.710.5
5Computer Science11.421.712.1
1Information Technology0.33.227.6

A Level Results Greater London 2022

Here’s a list of independent schools in Greater London along with the latest A Level results.

RankingSchoolTop Grades (% A*/A)CandidatesFeesLocationType
2King's College School (KCS)93.8137£8,085Greater LondonDay
4Westminster School90.7189£14,424Greater LondonBoarding
7City of London School90.5142£6,665Greater LondonDay
11Hampton School86.1194£7,300Greater LondonDay
12City of London School For Girls83.691£6,888Greater LondonDay
14Highgate School81.9181£7,360Greater LondonDay
15Dulwich College81.8251£15,078Greater LondonBoarding
17Alleyn's School81.1153£7,125Greater LondonDay
20South Hampstead High School GDST80.780£6,690Greater LondonDay
21Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST80.468£6,593Greater LondonDay
28University College School, Hampstead78.2179£7,297Greater LondonDay
30St Helen's School78.174£6,657Greater LondonDay
44Colfe's School70.692£6,100Greater LondonDay
46Francis Holland School, Regent's Park70.363£7,150Greater LondonDay
49Emanuel School69.6118£6,715Greater LondonDay
56Whitgift School67168£13,850Greater LondonBoarding
65Bromley High School GDST64.454£6,071Greater LondonDay
73St Benedict's School61.490£6,110Greater LondonDay
80St Dunstan's College60.471£6,356Greater LondonDay
82Streatham and Clapham High School GDST6055£6,260Greater LondonDay
128Mander Portman Woodward (MPW)46.9199£11,023Greater LondonDay
133The Laurels School45.711£5,300Greater LondonDay
137Hampstead Fine Arts College44.571£7,820Greater LondonDay
171The John Lyon School32.278£6,637Greater LondonDay
175Kensington Park School31.342£15,600Greater LondonBoarding
181The Moat School28.610£12,728Greater LondonDay

A Level Results League Table 2022

Britannia StudyLink’s A Level League Table for 2022 is a compilation of the latest published A Level results of all UK private schools. We have ranked schools according to the percentage of A*-A grades achieved at the 2022 A Levels.

Here’s the latest 2022 A Level League Table for UK Boarding Schools.

RankingSchoolTop Grades (% A*/A)CandidatesFeesLocationType
1Cardiff Sixth Form College94.7157£17,000CardiffBoarding
2King's College School (KCS)93.8137£8,085Greater LondonDay
3Guildford High School92.991£6,100SurreyDay
4Oxford International College92.0121£17,710OxfordshireBoarding
5Westminster School90.7189£14,424Greater LondonBoarding
6King Edward VI High School for Girls90.692£4,759West MidlandsDay
7City of London School90.5142£6,665Greater LondonDay
8Wycombe Abbey89.998£13,750BuckinghamshireBoarding
9Brighton College89.6207£14,550East SussexBoarding
10Magdalen College School87.3166£6,600OxfordshireDay
11Hampton School86.1194£7,300Greater LondonDay
12City of London School For Girls83.691£6,888Greater LondonDay
13St John's College, Cardiff82.237£4,760CardiffDay
14Highgate School81.9181£7,360Greater LondonDay
15Dulwich College81.8251£15,078Greater LondonBoarding
16Concord College81.2186£15,833ShropshireBoarding
17Alleyn's School81.1153£7,125Greater LondonDay
18Queen Ethelburga's College80.9100£14,012North YorkshireBoarding
19Royal Grammar School80.9129£6,520SurreyDay
20South Hampstead High School GDST80.780£6,690Greater LondonDay
21Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST80.468£6,593Greater LondonDay
22St Michael's School80.151£8,925CarmarthenshireBoarding
23Sheffield High School for Girls79.459£4,542South YorkshireDay
24Surbiton High School79.2109£6,595SurreyDay
25Reigate Grammar School78.8139£6,875SurreyDay
26Rougemont School78.633£4,818NewportDay
27Nottingham High School78.5109£5,349NottinghamshireDay
28University College School, Hampstead78.2179£7,297Greater LondonDay
29St Mary's School Ascot78.259£14,260BerkshireBoarding
30St Helen's School78.174£6,657Greater LondonDay
31St Catherine's, Bramley76.883£10,955SurreyBoarding
32St Albans School76156£7,094HertfordshireDay
33Merchant Taylors' School75.2148£7,427HertfordshireDay
34The National Mathematics and Science College7525£15,300WarwickshireBoarding
35Badminton School73.745£11,565BristolBoarding
36Bradford Grammar School73.494£4,511West YorkshireDay
37King Edward's School72.7124£5,165SomersetDay
38The Abbey School72.355£6,295BerkshireDay
39Churcher's College72150£5,480HampshireDay
40Leicester Grammar School71.6100£4,710LeicestershireDay
41The Grange School71.284£4,110CheshireDay
42The Cathedral School Llandaff70.949£4,671CardiffDay
43Royal Grammar School70.7129£6,520Tyne and WearDay
44Colfe's School70.692£6,100Greater LondonDay
45Hampton Court House70.514£6,965SurreyDay
46Francis Holland School, Regent's Park70.363£7,150Greater LondonDay
47Roedean School70.162£16,550East SussexBoarding
48Farnborough Hill69.835£5,253HampshireDay
49Emanuel School69.6118£6,715Greater LondonDay
50Sir William Perkins's School69.459£5,837SurreyDay
51Bedford Modern School68.8147£4,814BedfordshireDay
52The Maynard School68.841£4,910DevonDay
53Durham High School for Girls68.523£4,835DurhamDay
54Leicester High School for Girls68.124£4,340LeicestershireDay
55Oundle School67.1185£13,105NorthamptonshireBoarding
56Whitgift School67168£13,850Greater LondonBoarding
57The Manchester Grammar School66.7181£4,460Greater ManchesterDay
58Alderley Edge School for Girls66.223£4,680CheshireDay
59Royal High School Bath, GDST65.849£11,193SomersetBoarding
60Norwich School65.6150£5,990NorfolkDay
61St John's School65.1128£10,455SurreyBoarding
62Hurtwood House65.1167£15,171SurreyBoarding
63St Peter's 13-1865.1122£10,670North YorkshireBoarding
65Bromley High School GDST64.454£6,071Greater LondonDay
66Bristol Grammar School64139£5,159BristolDay
67Exeter School63.5102£4,900DevonDay
68Chigwell School63.285£10,995EssexBoarding
70Nottingham Girls’ High School GDST6265£4,766NottinghamshireDay
71Yarm School61.794£4,691North YorkshireDay
72Epsom College61.5168£13,493SurreyBoarding
73St Benedict's School61.490£6,110Greater LondonDay
74St George's College Weybridge61.4137£7,250SurreyDay
75Walthamstow Hall61.255£7,070KentDay
76Immanuel College61.160£6,615HertfordshireDay
77Brighton Girls GDST6119£5,111East SussexDay
78Newcastle-under-Lyme School60.771£4,482StaffordshireDay
79Claremont Fan Court School60.553£6,545SurreyDay
80St Dunstan's College60.471£6,356Greater LondonDay
81Ruthin School60.363£12,900DenbighshireBoarding
82The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga's6060£14,012North YorkshireBoarding
82Streatham and Clapham High School GDST6055£6,260Greater LondonDay
84Ardingly College59.490£13,104West SussexBoarding
85The Grammar School at Leeds59.4199£4,917West YorkshireDay
86The King's School, Canterbury59.2173£13,285KentBoarding
87The Yehudi Menuhin School5917£14,751SurreyBoarding
88Stephen Perse Foundation58.880£13,950CambridgeshireBoarding
89Queen Elizabeth's Hospital58.8120£5,100BristolDay
90Shrewsbury School58.2174£13,305ShropshireBoarding
91Burgess Hill Girls5831£12,250West SussexBoarding
92Ipswich School57.8126£11,419SuffolkBoarding
93Loughborough High School57.768£4,735LeicestershireDay
94Reading Blue Coat School57151£6,013BerkshireDay
95Stockport Grammar School56.9127£4,041CheshireDay
96Wells Cathedral School56.988£11,404SomersetBoarding
97Jersey College for Girls56.591£6,667Channel IslandsBoarding
98Dame Allan's Senior Schools55.3115£4,852Tyne and WearDay
99Loughborough Grammar School54.595£11,820LeicestershireBoarding
100Saint Felix School54.224£10,650SuffolkBoarding
101St David's College53.523£12,755ConwyBoarding
102Lingfield College53.470£5,940SurreyDay
103New Hall School52.9116£10,824EssexBoarding
104Bedford School52.4116£11,810BedfordshireBoarding
105Cheltenham College52.4149£13,520GloucestershireBoarding
106Ashville College52.360£10,170North YorkshireBoarding
107Hymers College51.8114£4,139East YorkshireDay
108RGS Worcester51.4112£4,726WorcestershireDay
109The Leys School51.399£11,870CambridgeshireBoarding
110Thetford Grammar School51.213£4,668NorfolkBoarding
111Hill House School51.144£4,870South YorkshireDay
112Oakham School50.8137£12,600RutlandBoarding
113St Gabriel's School50.822£6,260BerkshireDay
114King Henry VIII School50.792£4,220West MidlandsDay
115Battle Abbey School50.356£11,292East SussexBoarding
116Newcastle School for Boys5028£5,088Tyne and WearDay
116The King's School50101£4,530CheshireDay
119Bablake School49.3109£4,220West MidlandsDay
120The Royal School Dungannon48.881£4,000County TyroneBoarding
121Abbey Gate College48.827£4,551CheshireDay
122Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation48.754£12,083DurhamBoarding
123Wolverhampton Grammar School48.465£4,785West MidlandsDay
124Cokethorpe School47.859£6,950OxfordshireDay
125Shrewsbury High School GDST47.544£5,070ShropshireDay
126St Margaret's School47.329£8,484HertfordshireBoarding
127The Ladies' College46.950£4,025Channel IslandsDay
128Mander Portman Woodward (MPW)46.9199£11,023Greater LondonDay
129Westholme School46.319£4,020LancashireDay
130Oswestry School46.230£11,475ShropshireBoarding
131Tring Park School for the Performing Arts4674£12,535HertfordshireBoarding
132Clifton High School45.840£5,285BristolDay
133The Laurels School45.711£5,300Greater LondonDay
134Felsted School45.6101£13,055EssexBoarding
135Christ College45.156£11,473PowysBoarding
136Denstone College and The Prep at Denstone College44.694£10,015StaffordshireBoarding
137Hampstead Fine Arts College44.571£7,820Greater LondonDay
138St George's School, Edinburgh44.49£10,552MidlothianBoarding
139Salesian College44.349£4,206HampshireDay
140Talbot Heath School44.138£9,102DorsetBoarding
141St Columba's College43.962£5,703HertfordshireDay
142Alton School43.816£5,565HampshireDay
142The Edinburgh Academy43.814£5,114MidlothianDay
144Mount Kelly43.555£11,370DevonBoarding
145Victoria College43.3101£2,240Channel IslandsDay
146AKS Lytham43.244£4,336LancashireDay
147Kimbolton School43.2104£9,265CambridgeshireBoarding
148Ryde School42.851£10,420Isle of WightBoarding
149Silcoates School42.732£4,875West YorkshireDay
150Rendcomb College42.431£13,200GloucestershireBoarding
151Cranford House School42.324£6,175OxfordshireDay
152Kirkham Grammar School41.289£8,080LancashireBoarding
153Lewes Old Grammar School40.930£5,017East SussexDay
154Loretto School40.655£11,900East LothianBoarding
155Lime House School39.721£10,600CumbriaBoarding
156St James Senior Boys' School39.742£6,780SurreyDay
157Cambridge Tutors College39.424£10,695SurreyBoarding
158Elizabeth College38.860£4,324Channel IslandsDay
159Lichfield Cathedral School38.827£4,890StaffordshireDay
160Wychwood School38.711£10,700OxfordshireBoarding
161The Mount School York3717£10,560North YorkshireBoarding
162St Edmund's School Canterbury36.846£12,846KentBoarding
163Oldham Hulme Grammar School35.770£3,995Greater ManchesterDay
164Bath Academy35.526£10,667SomersetBoarding
165Ipswich High School35.229£12,127SuffolkBoarding
166Blanchelande College35.114£3,780Channel IslandsDay
167Glenalmond College34.461£12,700Perthshire and KinrossBoarding
168Kingham Hill School34.237£11,850OxfordshireBoarding
169Brockwood Park School and Inwoods Small School33.310£10,233HampshireBoarding
169The Hammond33.316£9,375CheshireBoarding
171The John Lyon School32.278£6,637Greater LondonDay
172Mander Portman Woodward Birmingham32.168£7,722West MidlandsDay
173Read School31.610£9,567North YorkshireBoarding
173Our Lady of Sion School31.613£4,730West SussexDay
175Kensington Park School31.342£15,600Greater LondonBoarding
177Hurst Lodge School305£8,400HampshireDay
178St Mary's College29.854£3,928MerseysideDay
179Rochester Independent College29.4118£12,417KentBoarding
180Trinity School29.211£10,495DevonBoarding
181The Moat School28.610£12,728Greater LondonDay
182Claires Court2852£6,030BerkshireDay
182St Edward's Preparatory School2825£4,595GloucestershireDay
184Stover School27.921£9,625DevonBoarding
184Highclare School27.922£4,630West MidlandsDay
186Lincoln Minster School26.540£9,730LincolnshireBoarding
187St John's College25.519£9,975HampshireBoarding
188Sherrardswood School2530£5,750HertfordshireDay
189Beechwood School2320£10,200KentBoarding
190Stoke College22.23£10,750SuffolkBoarding
191St Dominic’s Grammar School, Brewood17.112£4,664StaffordshireDay
192Abbey College in Malvern16.72£9,733WorcestershireBoarding
193Elmhurst Ballet School1010£8,992West MidlandsBoarding
194Sackville School2.914£5,740KentDay

A Level Results League Table 2021

Looking for the 2021 A Level League Table results? Here is the 2021 A Level League Table for UK Boarding Schools.

RankingSchoolGenderLatest Results FromA Levels (% A*-A)
1Oxford International College OICCo-ed202198
2Cardiff Sixth Form CollegeCo-ed202197.8
3Cardiff Academy Sixth Form CollegeCo-ed202096
4Concord CollegeCo-ed202194
5Wycombe AbbeyGirls202193.9
6National Mathematics and Science CollegeCo-ed202193
7St Swithun's SchoolGirls202188.6
8St Mary's School AscotGirls202087
9Brighton CollegeCo-ed202187
10Tonbridge SchoolBoys202187
11Truro High School for GirlsGirls202085
12Queen Ethelburga's CollegeCo-ed202185
13The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga'sCo-ed202185
14Cheltenham Ladies' CollegeGirls202184.3
15St Paul's SchoolBoys202183
16Benenden SchoolGirls202183
17Caterham SchoolCo-ed202183
18Whitgift SchoolBoys202182
19Ruthin SchoolCo-ed202081
20City of London Freemen's SchoolCo-ed202181
21Stephen Perse FoundationCo-ed202181
22 St Mary's School, Cambridge Girls202181
23Eton CollegeBoys202180.8
24St Michael SchoolCo-ed202180.2
25Abingdon SchoolBoys202180.2
26Roedean SchoolGirls202079.2
27Wellington CollegeCo-ed202079
28St Francis' CollegeGirls*202178
29Fettes CollegeCo-ed202178
30Queen Margaret's SchoolGirls202177
31Westminster SchoolBoys202176.2
32 St Catherine's, BramleyGirls202075.4
33Dulwich CollegeBoys202075
34Mayfield SchoolGirls202075
35Malvern St JamesGirls202175
36Cheltenham CollegeCo-ed202175
37Warwick SchoolBoys202074.9
38Abbey College CambridgeCo-ed202174
39Burgess Hill GirlsGirls202174
40Adcote School for GirlsGirls202173.5
41 St Peter's School, York Co-ed202172
42Woldingham SchoolGirls202072
43Loughborough Grammar SchoolBoys202172
44Rugby SchoolCo-ed202071
45Queenswood SchoolGirls202170.6
47Roedean SchoolGirls202069
48Ardingly CollegeCo-ed202069
49St Mary's CalneGirls202069
50Headington SchoolGirls202068.4
51Oundle SchoolCo-ed202168
52MPW CambridgeCo-ed202168
53Epsom CollegeCo-ed201967
54Badminton SchoolGirls202067
56Harrow SchoolBoys202167
57Hurtwood HouseCo-ed202167
58Hereford Cathedral SchoolCo-ed202167
59Moreton Hall SchoolGirls202066.9
60Norwich SchoolCo-ed202066.3
62Monmouth School for BoysBoys202165.8
63 The King's School, Canterbury Co-ed202065.4
64Radley CollegeBoys201965.2
65New Hall SchoolCo-ed202065
66Dauntsey's SchoolCo-ed202164
67Berkhamsted SchoolCo-ed202163.1
68Kingswood SchoolCo-ed202163
69The Maynard SchoolGirls202062.9
70Downe House SchoolGirls202062.2
71Durham SchoolCo-ed202162.1
72Reddam House BerkshireCo-ed202162
73Bromsgrove SchoolCo-ed202162
74MPW LondonCo-ed202162
75The Royal High School Bath GDSTGirls202061.7
76Ipswich SchoolCo-ed202061
77Bedford SchoolBoys202061
78MPW BirminghamCo-ed202161
79 Abbey College, Manchester Co-ed202161
80The Godolphin SchoolGirls202060
81Sherborne GirlsGirls202059
82Downside SchoolCo-ed202058
83 The Royal School, HaslemereCo-ed202157
84Ashford SchoolCo-ed202157
85Winchester CollegeBoys202156.1
86Brentwood SchoolCo-ed202055.1
87Clifton CollegeCo-ed202055
88Eastbourne CollegeCo-ed202055
89Leweston SchoolCo-ed202055
90St Edward's OxfordCo-ed202055
91Oxford Sixth Form CollegeCo-ed202155
92Shiplake CollegeCo-ed202055
93Repton SchoolCo-ed202054.8
94Woodbridge SchoolCo-ed202054.5
95King's School ElyCo-ed202054
96The Leys SchoolCo-ed201952
97Strathallan SchoolCo-ed202051
98Bruton School for GirlsGirls202150
99Kirkham Grammar SchoolCo-ed202050
100Lancing CollegeCo-ed202050

* St. Francis’ College accepts boys at their kindergarten
^ Scottish Advanced Higher Grade A-B, equivalent to A-Level A*-A

Notes about the league table:

The information published above is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of the publication. Our league table does not include day schools and public schools. For more information about other schools, please contact us through the button below.

Due to the Coronavirus affecting the A Level examinations in 2020-2021, students were graded using Teacher-Assessed Grades. The Government has announced that it will not publish any school performance data based on tests, assessments or exams (such as A Levels and GCSEs) for 2020.

As a result, many schools have opted to not publish their 2020-2021 results and annual league tables have not been able to publish this year. We’ve put together our own league table using data obtained directly from the schools or from the schools’ websites for all 100 schools on our list. This is the reason why our league table is one of few available for the year 2020-2021.

This information is for reference only – for more information about studying in the UK, do send Britannia StudyLink an enquiry for a free consultation. One of our educational consultants will be in touch with you shortly.

A Level Results League Table 2020

Looking for the 2020 League Table? Here is the 2020 A Level League Table for UK Boarding Schools.

RankingSchoolGenderLatest Results FromA Levels (% A*-A)
1 Cardiff Sixth Form College Co-ed 202099
2 Oxford International College OIC Co-ed 202097.4
3 St Mary's School AscotGirls202087
4 Brighton College Co-ed 202086
5Truro High School for GirlsGirls202085
6 Queen Ethelburga's College Co-ed 202084
7 Abbey College Cambridge Co-ed 202083
8 St Swithun's School Girls202082.3
9 Concord College Co-ed 202082.2
10 Ruthin School Co-ed 202081
11 Winchester College Boys202081
12 Wycombe Abbey Girls202080.7
13 St Paul's School Boys201980
14 Roedean SchoolGirls202079.2
15 City of London Freemen's School Co-ed 202079
16 St Michael School Co-ed 202077.1
17 Eton CollegeBoys201876.8
18 Westminster SchoolBoys201975.8
19 St Catherine's, BramleyGirls202075.4
20 Dulwich College Boys202075
21 Mayfield School Girls202075
22 Warwick School Boys202074.9
23 Cardiff Academy Sixth Form College Co-ed 201974.3
24 Benenden School Girls202073
25 Woldingham School Girls202072
26 Cheltenham Ladies' College Girls201971.2
27 Rugby School Co-ed 202071
28 The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga's Co-ed 202071
29 Adcote School for GirlsGirls202070.3
30 Tonbridge School Boys202070
31Roedean School Girls202069
32 Ardingly College Co-ed 202069
33 St Mary's Calne Girls202069
34 Headington School Girls202068.4
35 Abingdon School Boys202068.3
36 Epsom College Co-ed 201967
37 Badminton School Girls202067
38 Caterham School Co-ed 202067
39 Malvern St James Girls202067
40 Reddam House Berkshire Co-ed 202067
41 St Peter's School, York Co-ed 202067
42 Moreton Hall School Girls202066.9
43 Norwich School Co-ed 202066.3
44 Radley College Boys201965.2
45 d'Overbroeck's Co-ed 202065
46 Harrow School Boys201965
47 New Hall School Co-ed 202065
48 Burgess Hill Girls Girls202064
49 Whitgift School Boys202063
50 The Maynard School Girls202062.9
51 Downe House School Girls202062.2
52 The Royal High School Bath GDST Girls202061.7
53 Hurtwood House Co-ed 202061.5
54 Charterhouse Co-ed 202061
55 Ipswich School Co-ed 202061
56 Oundle School Co-ed 202061
57 Queen Margaret's School Girls202061
58 Stephen Perse Foundation Co-ed 202061
59 Bedford School Boys202061
60 The Godolphin School Girls202060
61 Hereford Cathedral School Co-ed 202060
62 St Francis' College Girls*202060
63 Bromsgrove School Co-ed 202059
64 Cheltenham College Co-ed 202059
65 Sherborne Girls Girls202059
66 Downside School Co-ed 202058
67 Loughborough Grammar School Boys202058
68 Shrewsbury School Co-ed 202058
69 The King's School, Canterbury Co-ed 202057.8
70 Wellington College Co-ed 201957
71 Haileybury Co-ed 202056.7
72 Queenswood School Girls202056.7
73 Fettes College Co-ed 201956
74 Brentwood School Co-ed 202055.1
75 Clifton College Co-ed 202055
76 Eastbourne College Co-ed 202055
77 Kingswood School Co-ed 202055
78 Leweston School Co-ed 202055
79 St Edward's Oxford Co-ed 202055
80 Shiplake College Co-ed 202055
81 Repton School Co-ed 202054.8
82 Woodbridge School Co-ed 202054.5
83 King's School Ely Co-ed 202054
84 MPW Cambridge Co-ed 202054
85 Berkhamsted School Co-ed 202053.5
86 Bruton School for GirlsGirls202053
87 MPW Birmingham Co-ed 202053
88 Abbey College, Manchester Co-ed 202052
89 St Mary's School, Cambridge Girls202052
90 The Leys School Co-ed 201952
91 Strathallan School Co-ed 202051
92 MPW London Co-ed 202051
93 Dauntsey's School Co-ed 202050.7
94 The Royal School, HaslemereCo-ed 202050.4
95 Durham School Co-ed202050.3
96 Ashford School Co-ed 202050
97 Kirkham Grammar School Co-ed 202050
98 Lancing College Co-ed 202050
99 Monmouth School for BoysBoys202050
100 Wellington School Co-ed 202050
101 Leighton Park School Co-ed 202050
102 DLD College London Co-ed 202050
103 Oxford Sixth Form College Co-ed 202050
104 Haberdashers' Monmouth School for Girls Girls 202050
105 Queen's College Taunton Co-ed 202050
106 Shebbear College Co-ed 202049.5
107 Wells Cathedral School Co-ed 202049.2
108 Ratcliffe College Co-ed 202049
109 Sherborne School Boys202049
110 Trent College Co-ed 202049
111 Westonbirt School Girls 202049
112 Stonyhurst College Co-ed 202048.2
113 Framlingham College Co-ed 202048.2
114 Rye St Antony School, Oxford Girls 202048.1
115 Chase Grammar School Co-ed 202048
116 Bellerbys College Co-ed 202048
117 Monkton Combe School Co-ed 202047.2
118 Merchiston Castle School Boys202047
119 Rendcomb College Co-ed 202047
120 CATS College Cambridge Co-ed 202047
121 CATS College Canterbury Co-ed 202047
122 CATS College London Co-ed 202047
123 Ashbourne College Co-ed 201947
124 Canford School Co-ed 201946.1
125 Queen Anne's School Girls 202046
126 Rossall School Co-ed 202046
127 Stonar School Co-ed 202046
128 Abbotsholme School Co-ed 202046
129 Worth School Co-ed 202045
130 Christ College Brecon Co-ed 202045
131 Prior's Field School Girls 202045
132 Uppingham School Co-ed 201944.6
133 Woodhouse Grove School Co-ed 202044
134 Prior Park College Co-ed 202044
135 Tudor Hall School Girls 201944
136 West Buckland School Co-ed 201944
137 King's College, Taunton Co-ed 202043.5
138 Bryanston School Co-ed 202043
139 Truro School Co-ed 202043
140 Barnard Castle School Co-ed 202042
141 Beechwood Sacred Heart School Co-ed 202042
142 Christ's Hospital School Co-ed 202042
143 Lord Wandsworth College Co-ed 202042
144 Millfield School Co-ed 202042
145 Mount Kelly Co-ed 202042
146 Warminster School Co-ed 202042
147 Royal Russell School Co-ed 202041.9
148 Rydal Penrhos School Co-ed 202041.1
149 Ampleforth College Co-ed 202041
150 Giggleswick School Co-ed 202041
151 Bede's Senior School Co-ed 202040
152 Dover College Co-ed 202040
153 Trinity School Co-ed 201940
154 Blundell School Co-ed 201940
155 Bradfield College Co-ed 202040
156 Gresham's School Co-ed 202039.7
157 Ashville College Co-ed 202039
158 Dean Close School Co-ed 201939
159 Ellesmere College Co-ed 202039
160 Oakham School Co-ed 201938
161 Bootham School Co-ed 201938
162 Harrogate Ladies' College Girls 202038
163 Loretto School Co-ed 202038
164 The Royal School, Dungannon Co-ed 201937
165 Glenalmond College Co-ed 202036
166 Mill Hill School Co-ed 202036
167 Taunton School Co-ed 202036
168 Pembrokeshire College Co-ed 202036
169 Denstone College Co-ed 201935
170 Luckley House School Co-ed 202035
171 St David's College Co-ed 202035
172 Padworth College Co-ed 202035
173 Kent College Pembury Girls201935
174 The Royal School, Armagh Co-ed 201934.5
175 Clayesmore School Co-ed 202034.5
176 Langley School Co-ed 202034
177 Royal Hospital School Co-ed 202034
178 King's Bruton School Co-ed 201934
179 St Teresa's School, Effingham Girls201933
180 Stowe School Co-ed201933
181 Wycliffe College Co-ed 202033
182 Sidcot School Co-ed 202032.5
183 St James' School Co-ed 202032
184 Plymouth College Co-ed 202031
185 Saint Felix School Co-ed 202031
186 Sedbergh School Co-ed 202031
187 Ackworth School Co-ed 202030.1
188 Malvern College Co-ed 201929
189 Bethany School Co-ed 201929
190 St Edmund's School Canterbury Co-ed 201929
191 Campbell College Boys201828
192 Aldenham School Co-ed 202028
193 The Royal Masonic School for Girls (RMS for Girls)Girls 201926
194 Culford School Co-ed 201925.7
195 Felsted School Co-ed 201925
196The Mount SchoolGirls 201924.7
197 Richard Huish College Co-ed 201824.6
198 Princess Helena CollegeGirls 201924.3
199 Lincoln Minster School Co-ed 201923.2
200 St John’s College, Southsea Co-ed 201822.6
NA St George's School for Girls, EdinburghGirls 202096%^
NAKilgraston SchoolGirls 202094.4%^
NA ACS Cobham International School Co-ed NA
NA Bishopstrow College Co-ed NA
NA Bloxham School Co-ed NA
NA Box Hill School Co-ed NA
NA Chichester College Co-ed NA
NA Cobham HallGirls NA
NA Dollar Academy Co-ed NA
NA Farringtons Kent School Co-ed NA
NA Gordonstoun Co-ed NA
NA King William's College Co-ed NA
NA Marlborough College Co-ed NA
NA Milton Abbey School Co-ed NA
NA Oswestry School Co-ed NA
NA Pocklington School, York Co-ed NA
NA Ryde School Co-ed NA
NA Scarborough College Co-ed NA
NA Sevenoaks School Co-ed NA
NA Sherborne International School Co-ed NA
NA St Clare's Oxford Co-ed NA
NA St Leonards Co-ed NA
NA The Mount, Mill Hill International Co-ed NA
NA Westbourne School, Penarth Co-ed NA
NA Windermere School Co-ed NA

A Level Results League Table 2019

Are you looking for the 2019 A Level Results League Table? Here you can find the official 2019 A Level Results as published by The Daily Telegraph which is based on data from The Independent Schools Council (ISC).
RankingSchoolA Levels (% A*-A)Candidates
1Oxford International College, Oxford91.8443
2Cardiff Sixth Form College, Cardiff89.88133
3King’s College School (KCS), Wimbledon84.25206
4Westminster School, Westminster83.54195
5Concord College, Shrewsbury83.52179
6Magdalen College School, Oxford82.4155
7Ruthin School, Ruthin8284
8City of London School, London81.2125
9Brighton College, Brighton80.93214
10Queen Ethelburga’s College, York80.05136
11The Perse School, Cambridge79.15179
12Hampton School, Hampton78.41185
13Guildford High School for Girls, Guildford77.6794
14Oxford High School GDST, Oxford77.6556
15St Mary’s School Ascot, Ascot77.4961
16City of London School For Girls, The City77.1474
17South Hampstead High School GDST, Hampstead76.1573
18The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, Elstree75.84148
19Highgate School, Highgate75.82181
20King Edward’s School, Birmingham, Birmingham75.73103
21Merchant Taylors’ School, Northwood75.28140
22King Edward VI High School for Girls, Birmingham75.2176
23North London Collegiate School, Edgware75120
24University College School, Hampstead, Hampstead74.89144
25The Manchester Grammar School, Manchester74.61161
26Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls, Borehamwood74.18107
27St Michael’s School, Llanelli73.4649
28James Allen’s Girls’ School, London73.499
29Withington Girls’ School, Manchester71.1773
30St Clare’s, Oxford70.59102
31The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga’s, York70.09105
32Wimbledon High School GDST, Wimbledon69.6283
33Stephen Perse Foundation, Cambridge69.561
34Manchester High School for Girls, Manchester69.176
35Eltham College, Mottingham68.45118
36Alleyn’s School, Dulwich68.06151
37Putney High School GDST, Putney67.7798
38St Albans High School for Girls, St Albans67.6884
39Marymount International School, Kingston upon Thames67.5936
40Channing School, London67.5462
41Royal Grammar School, Guildford67.12138
42St Gabriel’s School, Newbury67.0926
43Epsom College, Epsom66.92173
44Whitgift School, South Croydon66.73177
45Kingston Grammar School, Kingston upon Thames66.3117
46St Helen and St Katharine, Abingdon65.8196
47Bancroft’s School, Woodford Green65.77116
48The King’s School, Cheshire, Chester65.28110
49Ardingly College, Haywards Heath64.74125
50St Catherine’s, Bramley, Guildford64.1783
51Dulwich College, Dulwich63.85234
52City of London Freemen’s School, Ashtead63.34112
53Caterham School, Caterham62.8155
54St John’s College, Cardiff, Cardiff62.439
55Immanuel College, Bushey62.3347
56The Grange School, Northwich61.7677
57Charterhouse, Godalming61.7216
58Churcher’s College, Petersfield61.4113
59King Edward’s School, Bath60.61132
60The Maynard School, Exeter60.2847
61The Abbey School, Reading60.2385
62Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne59.45174
63Norwich School, Norwich59.3163
64St Peter’s School, York58.59126
65Surbiton High School, Kingston upon Thames58.39106
66Farnborough Hill, Farnborough58.2145
67Ibstock Place School, Roehampton58.1274
68St Albans School, St Albans58.05152
69Headington School, Oxford56.82129
70Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital, Bristol56.1995
71Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST, Ealing55.7383
72Nottingham High School, Nottingham55.22118
73Yarm School, Yarm55.18105
74Mayfield School, Mayfield55.0353
75Roedean School, Brighton54.886
76The Queen’s School, Chester, Chester54.0745
77Badminton School, Bristol54.0451
78Hurtwood House, Dorking54.02155
79Francis Holland School, Regent’s Park, London53.860
80Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks53.5755
81The King’s School, Canterbury, Canterbury53.47179
82Exeter School, Exeter53.08110
83St George’s College Weybridge, Addlestone52.97124
84Windermere School, Windermere52.2736
85Rougemont School, Newport52.2144
86Oundle School, Peterborough52.16200
87Queen’s Gate School, London52.0847
88Howell’s School Llandaff GDST, Cardiff51.9899
89Chetham’s School of Music, Manchester51.8358
90Nottingham Girls’ High School GDST, Nottingham51.8189
91The Leys School, Cambridge51.66103
92Sir William Perkins’s School, Chertsey51.6561
93Newcastle High School for Girls GDST, Newcastle upon Tyne51.2183
94Bolton School Girls’ Division, Bolton51.1387
95St Mary’s School, Cambridge, Cambridge50.8339
96Cheadle Hulme School, Cheadle50.78127
97King’s High School, Warwick50.4473
98Colfe’s School, Lee50.2177
99Bedford Modern School, Bedford50135
100d’Overbroeck’s, Oxford49.9149
101Leicester Grammar School, Great Glen49.7108
102Bellerbys College Cambridge, Cambridge49.3828
103Oakham School, Oakham49.34184
104Birkenhead School, Wirral49.2445
105Bromley High School GDST, Bromley49.1961
106The Grammar School at Leeds, Leeds49.1216
107Bishop’s Stortford College, Bishop’s Stortford48.68120
108The Purcell School for Young Musicians, Watford48.3344
109New Hall School, Chelmsford48.0197
110Croydon High School GDST, South Croydon47.7829
111Warwick School, Warwick47.77150
112Talbot Heath School, Bournemouth47.7335
113Canford School, Wimborne47.49137
114Loughborough High School, Loughborough47.3384
115Farlington School, Horsham46.8830
116Durham High School for Girls, Durham46.8130
117Shrewsbury High School GDST, Shrewsbury46.551
118The Portsmouth Grammar School, Portsmouth46.28189
119Haileybury, Hertford46.27138
120Jersey College for Girls, Jersey46.13100
121Brampton College, Hendon46.01142
122Chigwell School, Chigwell45.7578
123Woldingham School, Caterham45.5464
124St John’s School, Leatherhead45.52128
125The Royal High School Bath GDST, Bath44.9675
126Notre Dame Senior School, Cobham44.9430
127Alderley Edge School for Girls, Alderley Edge44.6833
128ACS Cobham International School, Cobham44.478
129Ipswich School, Ipswich44.3123
130St Helen’s School, Northwood44.2470
131West Buckland School, Barnstaple43.8259
132Queen’s College London, London43.5747
133Stockport Grammar School, Stockport43.5296
134Bolton School Boys’ Division, Bolton43.29108
135Burgess Hill Girls, Burgess Hill43.2436
136Edgbaston High School for Girls, Birmingham43.256
137Bristol Grammar School, Bristol43.13154
138King William’s College, Castletown43.0355
139Wakefield Girls’ High School, Wakefield42.7477
140Leicester High School for Girls, Leicester42.6725
141Bradford Grammar School, Bradford42.59121
142Truro School, Truro42.5473
143Kent College, Canterbury42.4169
144Queen Margaret’s School, York42.3148
145St Benedict’s School, Ealing42.22109
146Bede’s Senior School, Hailsham41.95140
147Sheffield High School for Girls, Sheffield41.79107
148Malvern St James Girls’ School, Great Malvern41.6150
148Royal Russell School, Croydon41.61116
150St Francis’ College, Letchworth Garden City41.1825
150The Cathedral School Llandaff, Cardiff41.1860
152Birkdale School, Sheffield40.91114
153Queen’s College, Taunton40.3869
154The King’s School, Worcester40.34133
155Moreton Hall, Oswestry40.1259
156Elizabeth College, Guernsey4062
156Clifton High School, Bristol4028
158St Leonards, St Andrews39.8961
159Brighton Girls GDST, Brighton39.3330
160Monmouth School for Girls, Monmouth39.2568
161Reading Blue Coat School, Reading39.13114
161Northwood College for Girls GDST, Northwood39.1360
163Christ College, Brecon38.8255
164Bury Grammar School, Bury38.6871
165Monmouth School for Boys, Monmouth38.573
166Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, Liverpool38.4991
166The King’s School, Macclesfield38.49108
166Taunton Senior School, Taunton38.49120
169Streatham and Clapham High School GDST, Streatham38.2649
170Newcastle-under-Lyme School, Newcastle-under-Lyme38.2181
171RGS Worcester, Worcester38.01106
172Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh37.9573
173Hymers College, Hull37.9393
174Northampton High School GDST, Northampton37.7550
175King Henry VIII School, Coventry37.62105
176Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, Liverpool37.4358
177Ashford School, Ashford37.3473
178Our Lady’s Abingdon School, Abingdon37.2331
179TASIS The American School in England, Egham37.2143
180Bablake School, Coventry36.7689
181Lingfield College, Lingfield36.7186
182Kimbolton School, Huntingdon36.34100
183Derby High School, Derby36.1136
184Hill House School, Doncaster36.0344
185Norwich High School GDST, Norwich35.8244
186Mander Portman Woodward (MPW), South Kensington35.25362
187Mill Hill School, Mill Hill35.17137
188Wellington School, Wellington35.0474
189Wellingborough School, Wellingborough34.7463
190St Dunstan’s College, Catford34.7354
191St Edmund’s College, Ware34.6770
192The Royal School, Armagh34.5398
193Oldham Hulme Grammar Schools, Oldham34.3854
194Tudor Hall School, Banbury34.3146
195St George’s School, Ascot, Ascot34.1825
196Leighton Park School, Reading34.0958
197Cambridge Tutors College, Croydon34.0430
198Forest School, London34.01144
199The Royal School Dungannon, Dungannon33.8664
199Claremont Fan Court School, Esher33.8641
201Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Wakefield33.65105
202Godolphin School, Salisbury32.8750
203Wolverhampton Grammar School, Wolverhampton32.7777
204Sutton High School GDST, Sutton3225
205Welbeck – The Defence Sixth Form College, Loughborough31.99148
206The John Lyon School, Harrow on the Hill31.9672
207Felsted School, Dunmow31.55121
208Woodhouse Grove School, Apperley Bridge31.5190
209Derby Grammar School, Derby31.2532
210Durham School, Durham31.1576
211Hereford Cathedral School, Hereford31.1145
212Mount Kelly, Tavistock31.0848
213Kingham Hill School, Chipping Norton31.0342
214Pocklington School, York30.9883
215Reddam House, Berkshire, Wokingham30.4934
216Bosworth Independent College, Northampton30.391
217Glenalmond College, Perth29.6379
218The Ladies’ College, Guernsey29.5350
219St Edmund’s School Canterbury, Canterbury29.4161
220Ipswich High School, Ipswich29.3743
221Ryde School, Ryde29.2772
222Rochester Independent College, Rochester29.1150
223Blackheath High School GDST, Blackheath28.5731
224Ashville College, Harrogate28.1879
225Salesian College, Farnborough2867
226Plymouth College, Plymouth27.2775
227Stafford Grammar School, Stafford26.8536
228Oxford Sixth Form College, Oxford26.5298
229Culford School, Bury St Edmunds25.7475
230St Columba’s College, St Albans25.3963
231Queenswood, Hatfield25.250
232DLD College London, London25123
233Shebbear College, Beaworthy24.7132
233The Mount School York, York24.7125
235Saint Felix School, Southwold24.6626
236St James Senior Boys’ School, Ashford24.2433
237Harrogate Ladies’ College, Harrogate2438
238Tring Park School for the Performing Arts, Tring23.8968
239Loretto School, Musselburgh23.2753
240Lincoln Minster School, Lincoln23.241
241Abbey Gate College, Chester23.1441
242St John’s College, Southsea22.6138
243St Edward’s Senior & Sixth Form, Cheltenham22.1238
244AKS, Lytham St Annes21.2850
245Rye St Antony School, Oxford21.0526
246Our Lady of Sion School, Worthing2028
247Buckswood School, Hastings19.7762
248Scarborough College, Scarborough19.6438
249St Bede’s College, Manchester18.7947
250Farringtons School, Chislehurst18.2556
251Akeley Wood, Buckingham17.7636
252Bournemouth Collegiate School, Bournemouth17.737
253Oswestry School, Oswestry16.140
254Fine Arts College, London16.0684
255Wisbech Grammar School, Wisbech15.9740
256Ackworth School, Pontefract1533
257Westholme School, Blackburn12.8446
258More House School, Farnham9.5229
259Claires Court Schools, Maidenhead7.3266
260St David’s College, Llandudno5.2634

A Level Results London 2020

Here’s a list of the 2020 A Level results of independent schools located in London.

RankSchool2020 A Level Results (% A*-A)
1St Paul's Girls' School92.4
2North London Collegiate School92
3St Paul's School89
4Hampton School87.3
5Highgate School86.8
6Eltham College85.6
7Lady Eleanor Holles School85
8Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls82.7
9Merchant Taylors' School81.5
10St Albans High School for Girls79.2
11City of London Freemen's School79
12Reigate Grammar School79
13Bancroft's School78.8
14Channing School78.4
15Immanuel College78
16The Yehudi Menuhin School77
17Whitgift School75.3
18Kingston Grammar School74.8
19Woldingham School72
20St Albans School72
21James Allen's Girls' School71
22Caterham School70
23Ibstock Place School68.4
24Epsom College67
25St Margaret's School67
26Kensington Park School65
27Sydenham High School GDST64.8
28The Purcell School for Young Musicians63
29St James Senior Girls' School63
30Dulwich College59
31The Royal Masonic School for Girls57
33Cambridge Tutors College56
34Reed's School50
35St John's School50
36Mill Hill School49.3
38Farringtons School42.2
39Royal Russell School41.9
40Aldenham School28
-Box Hill SchoolNA
-Stanborough Secondary SchoolNA
-Surbiton High SchoolNA
-Westminster SchoolNA

A Level Results Kent 2020

Below is a list of the 2020 A Level results of independent schools located in Kent.

RankSchool2020 A Level Results (% A*-A)
1Tonbridge School73.1
2Benenden School73
3Walthamstow Hall59
4The King's School, Canterbury57.8
5Kent College52
6Ashford School50
7CATS College Canterbury47
8St Lawrence College47
9St Edmund's School Canterbury45
10Farringtons School42.2
11Rochester Independent College42
12Radnor House Sevenoaks41
13Bethany School38
14King's School, Rochester34
-Beechwood SchoolNA
-Cobham HallNA
-Dover CollegeNA
-Sackville SchoolNA
-Sutton Valence SchoolNA

A Level Results Essex 2020

Here’s a list of independent schools in Essex along with the 2020 A Level results.

RankSchool2020 A Level Results (% A*-A)
1Bancroft's School78.8
2New Hall School65
3Chigwell School60
4Brentwood School55.1
5Gosfield School40
6Felsted School33

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