Britannia Malaysia - Study UK Team
Meet Our Core Team And Consultants

Ronald Mak

Samuel Chan
Suet Sum
Our Story
Founder and Hong Kong native Samuel Chan was enrolled in the British education system since 9-years-old, completing his degree in Economics at the University of Nottingham and post-graduate studies at the University of Warwick.
Samuel began Britannia after realising students’ need for more transparency while he was teaching and mentoring students in an international school.
While in UK, Samuel spent a year knocking on doors of over 200 schools. Within 18 months, Britannia got connected with hundreds of schools, placing a whopping 300 students into over 70 schools.
The team’s rapid growing success has led to an expansion, placing more than 900 students into British boarding schools, expanding its current office at Causeway Bay and eventually setting up its first international branch in Malaysia in September 2016.
Britannia StudyLink Malaysia (Now known as Britannia Malaysia – Study UK) is led by Ronald Mak, a close friend of Samuel since meeting each other at the University of Nottingham. Ronald spent three years as an auditor, and four years managing finances and global projects for a public-listed company.
Britannia’s rise to gaining international recognition as a respectable education group today is a result of three years of blood, sweat and tears. The goal is to increase transparency and productivity of the entire school application process. More recently, Britannia started liaising with schools to offer full scholarships to Hong Kong pupils. We aim to do the same here in Malaysia.