The Complete Guide To Concord College UK: Reviews, Ranking, Fees And More
Nestled within a beautiful English countryside in Shropshire lies Concord College, an international co-educational boarding and day college providing exceptional education for students between 13 to 19 years of age, in preparations for either the GCSE/IGCSE or A level courses.

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Summary Of School
- Type of school: Co-educational
- Age range: 12-20
- Pupils: 571; sixth formers: 353
- Fees: £7,200 – £20,588 per term
- 2024 GCSE Results: 89.1% 9-7
- 2024 A Level Results: 73.1% A*-A
Spanning 80 acres, its sympathetically-designed modern buildings blend styles reminiscent of both the 18th century and the medieval. It was established post World War 2, as an attempt to foster healing between nationalities through language teaching and personal warmth.
The word ‘Concord’ means harmony, a value which remains at the heart of what the college is today. It may be an intellectual powerhouse, but it’s a calm and gentle one where community and service are held in as much esteem as individual success.
Eschewing rigidity and the sacraments of past traditions, the school adapts quickly to evolving trends and ideas, running with whatever the students’ passion of the day might be; for example, it recently supported initiatives for bee-keeping, outdoor movie events, and a buggy competition.
Concord College Courses And Programmes
Lower School 13+ Entry
Students who enter the Lower School at 13+ will find that they will be joining a vibrant mix of boarding and day students. Entrants will be welcomed and supported by the Head of Lower School, their Head of Year and a highly professional pastoral team who help them to settle in quickly. A structured and well-established curriculum combines academic rigour that is supplemented by a programme of extra curricular activities. Form 3, which is a foundation year before the GSCE/IGSCE, comprises an interesting and varied curriculum to prepare them for the next step of their academic life.
Lower School 14+ Entry
Students entering at 14+ will embark on a two-year programme leading to the GSCE and IGSCE examinations. The curriculum will comprise core subjects, and students have the option to select other optional subjects.
Students will find that they will be fully supported by their personal tutor, highly qualified subject specialists, their Head of Year and the Head of Lower School. Unlike age demarcations typically found in other schools, Lower School students will get the opportunity to interact with and learn from Sixth Form students, with the hopes of instilling and inspiring them to follow in the footsteps of their senior counterparts in achieving strong work ethics and academic excellence.
The student will also expect to further have their personal development seen to, through a dynamic extra curricular programme that may be pursued both on and off campus, as well as inter-house competitions across a range of creative areas.
Sixth Form Entry
In this stage, students will find that there will be more opportunities for personal development and growth, and learn how to balance academic expectations with new freedoms, possibilities and further opportunities.
At the Sixth Form, academic work will be a strong, core focus, and these young adults will learn to and be encouraged to take on increased responsibilities in their lives, through the development of self-motivated studies and opportunities to challenge, excite and cultivate independence of thought.
Pastoral care is greatly emphasised as well, and students will find that they can find support from their teachers, individual tutors, boarding parents and Head of House.
Achieving higher education is the goal for Sixth Form students at Concord, and all Sixth Formers will be given comprehensive career guidance to enable them to make informed and educated decisions on enrolling in an appropriate University course.
Concord greatly recognises the importance of University entries, and acknowledge that any small advantage can make a huge difference to students, bearing in mind how competitive admissions can be at the top Universities of the world.
All Sixth Formers will be supported on the University application process, and will be able to get further guidance and advice from their tutors, Head of House, specialist subject teachers, and university coordinators.
Concord College Application Deadline
Applications for boarding places should be submitted to the College before the September prior to the start of the academic year the student wishes to enter. For example, applications for entry in either September 2024 or January 2025 should be submitted before September 2023.
Concord College Ranking
Concord College ranks in the 16th place in our A-Levels League Table for 2022 while it achieved the rank of 25th in our GCSEs League Table for 2023.
Concord College 2024 Results
In 2024, Concord College’s GCSE cohort achieved 89.1% 9-7. For A Levels, 73.1% scored A*-A, a testament to the quality of education offered at Concord College as well as the hard work demonstrated by the students.
Concord College Fees
Day fees from 1 January 2025 are £6,000 per term (£7,200 inclusive of VAT).
Boarding fees from 1 January 2025 are £17,157 per term (£20,588 inclusive of VAT).
Concord College Entry Requirements
Entrance and Exit
Entrance to Concord College is highly selective, particularly at the sixth form level – it is truly a place for the most academically-inclined of students. Students seeking entry to the sixth form should ensure competence in written and spoken English, whereas those coming at 13+ will find they will have more time to improve their mastery of the language.
Concord has a strong history of students entering top universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, the London School of Economics (LSE), University College London (UCL), Imperial College London, Russell Group universities in the UK, and university destinations across the world including the USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and in Europe.
Many Concord students excel in higher education and go on to carve out distinguished careers in a variety of different fields. Of importance too, are the bonds that form between students at Concord – graduates are able to tap on to and benefit from the large and varied Concord networks of peers through the Concord Alumni Community.
Concord prides itself on sparing no expense in the pursuit of academic excellence in their students. Top notch facilities are easily available, and constantly improving. Fees include being able to stay at half terms, and for sixth formers, during the Easter holidays.
The college is in the midst of developing its own bursaries and scholarships. Some students attend on scholarships from their home governments, and there may be bursarial support for day students.
Academia Par Excellence
Academic prowess is the heart of Concord, and the college, with its highly selective admissions, provides a curriculum that is demanding and challenging in order to push students to be the best that they can be. Concord College consistently places among the top selective schools in the UK, regardless of whichever league table it is on.
Students have been steadily impressive with their examination results – in 2022, 81 per cent scored A*/A for their ‘A’ Levels, and 89 per cent scored A*-A/9-7 at the I/GCSE level. A vast majority of students take Maths, Further Maths, Economics and the Sciences. Other disciplines see smaller uptakes, but achieve equally stellar results.
At Concord, class sizes are small in order to provide higher quality education for each individual, and teachers are available for student support outside of curriculum time. Concord College supports its students in their pursuit of excellence through providing abundant educational resources, support, opportunities, and educators par excellence.
It is common for students of Concord College to set themselves demanding goals, within a nurturing and conducive environment where independent thinking and intellectual curiosity thrive. Whilst academic excellence is a primary objective, the atmosphere is friendly and supportive; providing a strong sense of community for students from all over the world.
Students are, at the same time, encouraged to explore their potential inside and outside the classroom with the aim of becoming active and, ultimately, independent learners. The college routinely provides various forms of testing, by providing opportunities to enter academic competitions and the provision of a variety of academic societies at the college.
These young students are groomed to develop into mature and creative learners, with their excellent performance in public examinations the prime measurable outcome of this unique and challenging academic environment, enabling them to enter highly competitive courses at top Universities around the world.
Concord College Reviews
What a fantastic school, is all one can say my daughter has flourished and done exceptionally well here the staff are just the best the head mr Hawkins is the most approachable head with a interest in every student, all the communication is spot on any issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently making this the best learning environment I have ever experienced.
Very nice and peaceful physical environment conducive for studying. I would love to study here if I was a student. The principal Mr Hawkins was an extremely pleasant and knowledgeable person, who explained to us everything we needed to know about the college.
Having best time of my life. Time flies but friendship stay. Concord doesn’t give me not only chances to get into the best university but also give me my second family.
My daughter is always happy to go to school and always has interesting activities to tell us about. I attribute this to the exemplary standards of teaching and the sense of community they have fostered at Concord.
My son has just finished his 2 years of A levels at Concord. It has been a wonderful experience for him and we have seen him blossom into a confident and happy young man. He achieved excellent results: 2A*s in Maths and Further Maths and As in Physics and Chemistry. He was pushed to his best ability and had exceptional support when he needed it. The best compliment I can give is that he is already missing his Concord family, after only a few months
I was a bit hesitant to send my young child to boarding school at first, being that we are so far away and have to entrust their care entirely to the school. However, when we visited the school, I was heartened to see that there are many international students here and the principal was really pleasant. It has been a joy having my child study at Concord.
Concord College Accommodation
Concord College accepts boarding students and day students.
Concord College Student Services And Extra-Curricular Activities
A Holistic Educational Experience
A typical student’s life at Concord College is busy, yet fulfilling. While there is a strong focus on academic achievement, the college adopts a holistic approach to education – while students are encouraged to work hard, they are also encouraged to ‘play hard’ as well.
It is easy for students to take on new challenges outside the classroom and develop new talents; the international composition of students of diverse backgrounds ensure exposure to cultures and people outside their immediate environment, and offer a great opportunity for them to socialise with and learn from their peers, and have fun. There are a host of pursuits and activities available to students on the campus and regular trips are organised locally, nationally and internationally.
Concord students are taught from their teenage years to behave as responsible young adults. Uniforms are not imposed, and they are encouraged to dress appropriately and be self-disciplined. A wide range of healthy and special diet meals are provided, to cater to the various dietary needs of students. Girls and boys have separate accommodation and most have individual rooms. However, students may choose to live on or nearby the campus, such as in the village of Acton Burnell, or Acton Pigott.
A Concord education ultimately aims to develop the skills and talents of young people, and to prepare them for the next stage of their lives – University. Concord does this by giving them opportunities to build their confidence, resilience, self-belief and values that will enable them to deal with the challenges of adulthood.
As a result, Concord students are high performers, and are exceedingly well equipped with a host of various academic knowledge, soft skills, attitudes, and qualifications required to gain admission to top universities in the UK and beyond, all of which hopefully transfer over into adulthood.
Pastoral care and wellbeing
Concord is a bustling and dynamic international community where students from around the world come together, striving for success and having fun together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, encouragement and support. Concord espouses an ethos of mutual trust, decency, and respect for others, which is evident in the positive day-to-day atmosphere of the Concord community. This camaraderie is supported by the efforts of highly dedicated and skilled staff that set frameworks of guidance for all students.
Although Concord does not have a religious foundation, the school encourages students to have a strong respect for individual religious beliefs and for the belief systems of the world. Through assemblies, tutor time, the House system, clubs and societies and a wealth of other activities, spiritual development is also encouraged.
Sports, Societies And Outdoor Education
Sports are an important part of life at Concord, and the campus is amply fitted with appropriate facilities that encourage a healthy lifestyle, and participation in sports and exercise at all levels of ability. Safety is a foremost consideration when it comes to student participation in sports activities.
Concord provides opportunities for badminton, basketball, netball, table-tennis, uni-hoc and football. Additionally, the campus boasts squash courts, fitness and weight training gyms and facilities for martial arts, fencing and rock climbing. Outdoor sports include football, volleyball, tennis and horse riding. The campus also comprises a running track and a heated indoor swimming pool.
Activities such as canoeing, caving, climbing, cycling as well as other interesting challenges are also provided. An essential part of the Concord curriculum is engagement in outdoor education, where students are expected to take part in regular activities both on campus and in locations elsewhere in the UK. This opportunity allows students to broaden their horizons, build self-confidence and improve their teamwork capabilities.
Outside of sports, students also have access to a vast array of clubs and societies, such as debating, charity fundraising, philosophy, and the Medics Society, among others. Creativity and imagination are fostered through the performing and visual arts, and the purpose-built theatre provides a venue for students to gain confidence and develop their oratory and presentation skills.
Music is an important element in the lives of most people, and it certainly thrives at Concord, which provides outstanding facilities to support students’ musical endeavours. Aside from a theatre with superb acoustics, there is an orchestra room and suite of practice rooms. In addition to music studies, individual instrumental tuition is available and students perform regularly in concerts throughout the year. Concord is also no stranger to performances from well-known touring companies, in addition to organising trips to concerts.
Many students study Art at the GCSE or A level, and the dedicated Art School provides opportunities for their creative needs. A number of students each year go on to study Architecture, Fine Arts or fashion related courses at university. Drama is taught to GCSE students and there are opportunities to take part in drama workshops and productions. The needs of dancers are also taken care of with the provision of a Dance Studio, professionally equipped with a mirror wall and a sprung floor, providing a practical and comfortable space to practise ballet, contemporary dance or ballroom dancing.
Concord College Contact Information
- Official Website: - Location:
Concord College, Acton Burnell Hall, Acton Burnell, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 7PF, England. - Email Address:
[email protected] - Phone:
+44 (0)1694 731631
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